Tag: occupational health and safety software
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The Impact of Thyroid Diseases on the Working Life of Patients
Occupational Health Software
25/05/2022 · 4 min read
What exactly is the thyroid? The thyroid gland is a tiny organ that wraps around the throat in the front of the neck (trachea).
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Hypertension and How It Affects Your Lives and Lives Of People Around You
Occupational Health Software
17/05/2022 · 4 min read
High blood pressure causes hypertension, which is the most common disease on the globe. It’s critical to keep high blood pressure under control.
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Role of NGOs in increasing the awareness about the Occupational Health
ehs software , Occupational Health Software
12/05/2022 · 3 min read
Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are non-profit organisations that strive for a charitable purposes and social justice. They now occupy a key position in civil society.
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How Hemophilia affects personal life & professional life
Occupational Health Software
17/04/2022 · 5 min read
Hemophilia is a family of inherited disorders that act in a scarcity of a protein that’s necessitated for normal blood clotting. It’s a lifelong complication.
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Challenges Faced By People With Parkinson’s Disease
Occupational Health Software
11/04/2022 · 5 min read
Parkinson’s disease is a mobility illness that affects the nerve system. Symptoms are present gradually and may begin with a barely detectable tremor in only one hand.
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How does Leprosy Affect People in their Occupation?
Occupational Health Software
30/01/2022 · 7 min read
To know how Leprosy affects people in their occupation, let’s know what exactly Leprosy is and its signs and symptoms. What exactly is leprosy? Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae) bacteria can cause leprosy, which is a chronic condition.
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What Steps Companies Should Take For The Prevention Of Infectious Disease
Occupational Health Software
10/01/2022 · 5 min read
Infectious diseases are generally caused by parasites, fungus, Viruses or bacteria. Several organisms reside in or on human bodies.
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Is your workplace friendly for Disabled people?
03/12/2021 · 4 min read
Form a group for Disabled Employees:
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Easy Steps Organizations Should Take To Reduce Industrial Pollution
Occupational Health Software
02/12/2021 · 4 min read
Consistent remediation is the most effective technique of preventing industrial pollution. The company’s industrial hygiene must be flawless, and it must promote a culture of continuous and consistent remediation.
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HIV/AIDS and the Role of Occupational Therapy
01/12/2021 · 4 min read
What Is HIV? HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is an infection that causes tissues in the area that help it fight off infection, making individuals more susceptible to other diseases and illnesses.
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